Friday, March 25, 2011

Bridal Beauty DO's and DON'Ts for the Week leading up to the WEDDING

Here we go! One week until the big day!!  How should I make sure that my face is in it's best possible condition for my Wedding Day makeup!?!?! 

Here are my top Bridal Beauty DO's and DON'Ts for face... the week leading up to your wedding:

  1. DO take your makeup off and cleanse your face every night before bed!  Sleeping with your makeup on will only encourage that last-minute dreaded blemish to pop up!!  Follow with your nightly skincare routine!
  2. DO get as much rest as possible...HAHAHAH!  I know.  But I have to say it!  Showing up on your wedding day COMPLETELY sleep deprived is the easiest way to make your skin appear stressed. EEK!
  3. DO stay hydrated!!  Drink your 8 glasses of water a day!  Dehydration can cause your skin to react in an unpleasant way AND can cause puffiness under the eyes! 
  4. DO have your brows shaped...**BUT**...USE caution!  see my DON'Ts on this below. This is touchy touchy.  Be sure to do this at the beginning of the week prior to the wedding.  You can always tweeze any last minute strays, but waxing or major shaping is BAD idea the day before or the day of the wedding!! 
  5. DO exfoliate your skin...but not more than twice!! Again...make sure to use one you've used before!!  This is not the week for experimenting. 
  6. DO use a lip conditioner daily or even TWICE daily!
  7. DO arrive at your makeup appointment with a clean face! :)
  1. DON'T try new skincare the week of your wedding!!  AHHH!  Even if you've never been sensitive, this is not the week to try something new!  Want to treat yourself to some new fabulous skincare in preparation for your wedding???...AWESOME!  Just make sure to start it at LEAST a month prior to the big day! :)
  2. DON'T GO TO SOMEONE NEW FOR BROW SHAPING the week of the wedding!!!  I can't stress this enough.  Look into this early if possible.  When all else fails and you realize you have an emergency facial hair least get a recommendation from someone you trust!  Too many things can go wrong!
  3. DON'T do any facial waxing  or major facial hair removal within 36-48 hours before the wedding!  Even from someone you trust.  Anything can's just a bad idea. :)

In general, when we are stressed out, extra emotional or lacking sleep...our skin reacts.  So do NOT assume your skin will behave as usual during the final wedding countdown.  :)  Try to have all your major beauty decisions tried, tested and finalized prior to the week before the wedding.  Then...treat your skin with care as you plug your way through the final stretch leading up to your big day!!!  
Wondering about Bridal Beauty DO's and DON'Ts for hair, nails and body??  Look for those soon!!


  1. Seriously - the waxing thing. This happens ALL THE TIME! I'm directing all of my brides to your advice page :)

  2. are the best!! You're right...this DOES happen all the time! :)
